Compatibility Test Suite (CTS)
The value of compatible devices
By assembling compatible with Android smart devices, you give users more than gadgets, you offer them a whole universe of high-quality applications and access to the Android Market. Moreover, it’s easier for developers to write apps for your smartphone or tablet. Android platform is stable and predictable and this is reason why they choose it.
Types of tests
The Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) includes 3 types of test cases:
- Unit tests;
- Functional tests;
- Reference application tests;
The compatibility process
The first step of Android compatibility process is to decide which version of Android platform you want for your device. Then read the Android compatibility definition document. It enumerates the required hardware and software features in a compatible Android device.
The second step is to pass the Compatibility Test Suite (CTS).It is a downloadable testing suite which includes two components – CTS tradefed test and individual test cases. The first one runs on a desktop machine and manages test execution, while the test cases are packaged as Android .apk files to run on a smartphone or tablet.
When your device has passed the Compatibility Test Suite, you can submit the generated report and request access to the Android Market. The next stage of Google Mobile Services (GMS) licensing program is CTS Verifier.